Monday, June 28, 2010

Prayers Are Answered!!

Dear Sons of Mosiah,

I don't have much to write about this week, really. Transfers just happened, but I'm still here in the Trendwood Area in Lincoln, Nebraska. It's crazy to think that I've been in Lincoln for over four and half months, and on my mission for over six months. Strange stuff.
Well, today I quickly want to talk about prayer, cause I had a cool experience. I was praying Saturday night before I went to sleep, and I was really discouraged about the work. People just weren't listening, and members just weren't doing anything, it seemed! So, I took my meltdown to the Lord. I just told my Father all of my frustrations, and prayed for His help. It's not always easy to be out here. Some days just feel almost useless, and like nothing good had happened. It's also really hard to watch people reject something that means the world to us, every single day. It's hard to watch the people in their wickedness, and to see the hold that the adversary has on them--especially the many that believe they are followers of Jesus Christ. Satan was very smart when he invented many concepts there are that keep people away from the truth. Many believe that all they have to do is say a prayer accepting Jesus as their personal Savior, and they are saved. They can do whatever they want to from that time forth, and there will be no consequences because they are saved by grace. How easy would that be? But it's not true. And there are many other things like this that are very grevious to missionaries--and very grevious to me as an individual!
So I prayed to God for help that night. Immediately, the next morning, we went to a meeting at the church, and lo and behold, President Kearl from the Mission Presidency came to our ward. We had a meeting with him during Elder's quorum, and also with a brother from the Stake High Council. Well, the Trendwood Area has suffered for a very long time, and through many missionaries. He told us the Lord wanted Elder Hoyt and I here right now, because He knew we were good missionaries, and we could do what needs to be done. (That felt good). He then made us promises concerning our area, if we would follow the guidelines he would lay out for us, and those promises were amazing. We would see an amazing amount of success if this promise comes true. Tears filled my eyes in the meeting, and I simply asked President Kearl how he knew to come today. I then related my story about praying. All he said was "That's why".
Anyway, this turned out a lot longer than I anticipated, but I just wanted you to know that prayers are in fact answered. Pay attention to what God has done in your life. I look on my life, and I see that I have been very blessed. Yet, I've got a rebellious soul, and find myself murmuring way too often. God defintely must love me, cause I'm such a pain in the butt, I'm sure.
Well, I love you all. Pay attention to your blessings for the next week, okay? Then all of you should write me about the blessings you've noticed. I promise that if you pay attention and think about it, you will be very surprised at what's there. So write, and then we can strengthen each other's testimonies.
Love, Elder Christopher Petersen

Monday, June 21, 2010

A Father's Day Message & Amazing Convert Stories

Dear Sons of Mosiah,

To start off, I hope you wished all of your fathers a happy Father's Day! We should all be grateful for our old men! They worked to feed us, take care of us, and they always punished us with an unshaken resolve. Lol! Really, I'm grateful for the firm punishment part. I was such a brat anyway, I'd hate to see how I would have turned out without it. That, and my Dad was always great for practical advice. I do miss being able to just talk to him anytime I have a problem. He was always great at helping me through things, and kept me encouraged. Mom's are great to talk to as well, but it seems like the two offer different benefits. You talk to your mother for comfort, and talk to your father for solutions and a replenished drive. Well, that's how it worked for me anyway. Well, the point is, I hope you honored your fathers this last Sunday-- and hopefully you're doing it anyway. I would hate to see your days not be long in the land. :)
Now, I have some things to add to my last week's spill: So Andre (our recent-convert of roughly a month and a half), did more amazing things this week! He's my hero! You see, day in, and day out, we try to get members to participate in missionary work. They do some missionary work, but it's almost like pulling teeth at times. Of course, some members are great at it, but Andre is a stud! This week, without us even asking him to do missionary work (ever!), he handed out a Book of Mormon to his friend and told him it would fix his life! How awesome is that? He told his friend to read it, and promised him that the Book of Mormon has the power to turn his life around! He then committed his friend to read it, and invited him to church! He's also invited other people to church! In addition to this, he has done other things! He had a discussion with his roommate about how the gospel will turn his life around, he's been keeping the Book of Mormon in a place in his house where people will see it, and hopefully pick it up to look at it. He's been leaving the window open when we teach him on his porch, so the people inside will hear. He's amazing! I feel like Ammon who felt he had to explain to his brother Aaron, who accused him of boasting: (In lame-man's terms) "I do not boast of myself, but I boast in the Lord." The Lord has done a marvelous work and a wonder in this man's heart! Andre will be an amazing missionary, and though he is too old to serve a full-time mission right now, he's doing a great job, and will find much happiness in the kingdom of God, for bringing souls home to his Father in Heaven--for the worth of EVERY SOUL is great in the sight of God!
Now, another fairly recent-convert I would like to talk about, is none other than my friend Scott Abbott at home. Scott, thanks for allowing me to be a part of everything. I cannot begin to tell you how many people you have touched. I do not take lightly our experiences that we had as you were investigating, and joining the church--but I hold it as a sacred experience. Yet, as a sacred experience, I have shared the story with some, to help them to understand why missionary work is so important. I know you will be a great missionary! I hope you are still working to prepare yourself for your full-time mission. Scott, you have a powerful testimony, and a claim that I can never have. Many times, people will ridicule me and not believe my words because I have been a member of the church my whole life. Yes, I had to pray, and become personally converted to know that the gospel is true, but you have a claim that is magnificent. You have the power of a convert testimony. You know what you know, and that's because you decided to ask God! You went through the long process, and you now know what is correct! You are very much a hero in my eyes. Anyway, my object is not to embarrass Scott, but I felt the need to thank him here and now, and I'd like all of you to know it because this is the beauty of sharing the gospel. Scott has a unique story. If you are ever permitted to hear him tell it, you have been blessed of God. Anyway, sorry if I embarassed you Scott, but I hope it doesn't , cause it shouldn't. Not to mention that fact that you and I have borne testimony of your conversion to a bunch of people at Youth Conference. Lol. That's a fond memory.
Anyway, I love you all, and hope you all see how much work there is to be done. EVERY SINGLE SOUL, is so important to God. Let's bring them home. I love you all!
Love, Elder Christopher Petersen

Monday, June 14, 2010

Converts Are Great!!

Dear Sons of Mosiah,

This week is my shout out about how much I love converts--especially recent ones! This week we took Andre (our recent-convert from May) to the Mormon Trail Center in Omaha. It was tons of fun. We watched the full-length Joseph Smith Movie that is completely amazing, and very inviting of the Spirit. Andre really appreciated being able to see how Joseph Smith's life was, and the lives of the early saints. He said it was humbling, and great to go in depth.
Later, we stopped at McDonalds for lunch. My companion and I left our bags with our scriptures. Usually we don't need those because we can't prosylite at business locations, and we were only going to the Trail Center, and back to Lincoln in a car. So, we left them. Well, that was a dumb idea. The cashier asked us if we had a pamphlet or anything she could read. We didn't...but Andre did! He gave her some pamphlets and pass-along cards! What a man and a missionary! He told us later that he felt prompted to bring them. I wish I would have got the memo.
Next week I have another one to make, but I'm out of time. Feel the! Love you all!
Love, Elder Chris Petersen

Monday, June 7, 2010

A Message of Love . . .

Dear Sons of Mosiah,

Hmmm...what to talk about today? Well, a few things have been on my mind...
In my own personal thinking time, I sometimes have random realizations, and my mind has been drawn to one in particular, over and over again. I realized how ungrateful I was for a lot of things at home, and how much I took for granted. Now, I'm not saying I was a completely terrible, ungrateful person who was never thankful for anything! I was grateful for a lot of things, but some things I never even thought to be grateful for, and the things I was grateful for, I feel that I wasn't nearly grateful enough. here's me again applying MY PROBLEMS to YOUR LIVES, hoping that somehow, in some way, I can make some small difference in the world, and allow someone to learn from my mistakes. So here we go.
Let's talk loved ones (family, friends, you name it. People we love in some way or another). How often do we let our loved ones know tha we love them? Do we tell them? Do we show them? Depending on the person, I had different weaknesses in expressing my love and gratitude. I think I told my family I loved them, mostly when hanging up the phone, or leaving the house. I was more of a habit than anything probably. Don't get me wrong, here, I do mean it or I don't say it, but it was just so dry. "Yeah, talk to you later, love ya, bye!", for some of people giving anything more than that is a little uncomfortable, so of course, we can show through actions. I challenge every one of you to just show up in the kitchen one of these days at your mom's house (if you live with your mom, it's even easier), and just clean the kitchen. As for your could do the same thing. Usually that wasn't how I'd express my love to my Dad, but it might work for you. I don't know...I suppose to show my love for my Dad, I'd go have a burping contest with him or something. LOL. Nah, we'd just spend time or whatever. That works for both parents (but for most people I suggest the burping contest only with your Dad). Brothers and Sisters, same thing. Time is a valuable thing. Give some to your family.
Saying "I love you" to a significant other, is usually pretty easy for most of the population, I think. It's good. You should say it, however, I suggest showing it too. Figure out what that means, for each person. Some feel loved most when they are given a great deal of one on one time doing something fun, others feel loved most when they just get to sit down and have a good conversation with the one they love. Some feel most loved when their significant other does acts of service for them, like helping them out with the chores, or homework, or whatever. And of course, there are always hugs and kisses, and such, but I'm not going to get into that right now. You want to know my comments on that, talk to me when I get home...and if you know me well enough, you already know what I have to say about that. Or at least a good idea.
Friends. Saying, " I love you man!" works well for some of you, but not my cup of cider. Just let your friends know how much you appreciate them. I'd do anything for my bros, and my sisters.
Anyway, I've got to go, but I'm sure I left out other loved ones. Go give your pets a good scratch! Let them know you care! And just appreciate everything you have. Love all of you! Have a great week!
Love, Elder Christopher Petersen

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A Simple, but Powerful Message . . .

Dear Sons of Mosiah,

I am nearly out of time on the computer, but I figured I should send SOMETHING. I guess my message this week is simply to remember the Lord always, in all things we do, at all times, in all places. I love you my brethren (and sisters).
Love, Elder Christopher D. Petersen