Monday, May 10, 2010

A Mother's Day Message . . .

Dear Sons of Mosiah,

Well, I hope everybody enjoyed Mother's Day, and honored their mothers and grandmothers as they should. I think it's a wonderful holiday. The Lord has definitely made it clear that the calling of motherhood is a sacred calling, and one that carries so much responsiblity. We should be extremely grateful for them. I'm grateful for mine, though I feel the need to repent. I wasn't so great at showing it at home. I guess a public confession makes me feel a little better about it. I repent, then call to repentance. That's my job.
Still, isn't it a curious thing that the people you don't want to upset the most are mothers and wives? Lol. Men, if you upset your mother or wife, you might as well feel the wrath of hell. Call me crazy, but from my little bit of experience, it's true. Don't do it. Love them and care for them. Now, I've never had a wife, obviously. I can only imagine what it's like, and make comparisions to similarities in my life. Anyway, all I'm saying is, let's hold women up with high respect, never demeaning them, or doing anything to intentionally hurt them. It's no good. These are Daughters of God, and I don't know about you, but I don't like to make angry the mortal father of a girl--much less God. So let's give them the respect they deserve, okay? Sweet. And by the way, don't just give them the respect for fear. That's not the message I mean to convey. Give them respect because they deserve it. They really do.
Anyway, my life is going crazy at the moment! I couldn't tell you the adversity you feel as a missionary. It's an experience that has to be lived. Still, the work goes on in it's glory! God created a perfect gospel. Now if only more people would give up the things of the world, and accept it! However, I do have to say, it's no easy thing. Watching people change is so amazing, and sometimes I wonder if I could do it myself. There are days where I've asked myself whether or not I would have accepted the gospel, if I were on the other end of this. Would I really listen to these men? Luckily--or possibly even intentionally--I was placed in an LDS Family, and put into an environment where I could gain a testimony of my own. However, not everybody is that lucky. These people need us to reach out more than ever! If we've ever needed the Lord, it's now.
I love you all. Keep strong.
Love, Chris

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