Monday, June 20, 2011

A Tribute to Fathers . . .

Dear Brethren,
I hope you all had a great Father's Day! It is a great time to
reflect on Fatherhood, and the Priesthood. I am very grateful for my
father, and all that he has done for me in my life. I love him very
much. I am grateful that I always had him there to bless me with his
company, his advice, his love, and his Priesthood. Having a worthy
father has always been a blessing for my life. I am so grateful that I
have always had a father who has been able to teach me in the ways of
God, as well as how to survive in this hectic world. He has provided
so much for me, and I have been able to live a comfortable and
meaningful life. I remember my childhood as one filled with happiness,
and I greatly attribute that to both my father and my mother. They
raised me in such a way that I was able to learn much by the Spirit of
the Lord. I am eternally grateful.
I hope all of you are able to feel that gratitude and love for your
fathers. Truly our family is a blessing from God, and He gave us
parents for a reason. I am grateful beyond words for both of my
parents, and the wonderful relationships I have with them. Not
everyone has that, so I find it a rich blessing. I am also eternally
grateful for my loving grandparents, and I hope they know I love them
On top of celebrating our earthly fathers, I hope that we were each
able to think of our Loving Heavenly Father. He truly gave us
everything, and I hope that we will do all we can to show that we love
Him. I hope that all that we do will bring honor to our earthly
fathers, and glory to our Heavenly Father. Our Heavenly Father has
made us His work, and His glory. He has always been glorified through
His children--mostly through His only-begotten Son of the flesh and
spirit, but also through us. We can do things to bring Him glory every
day, and as we reach out to our brothers and sisters, we will be
assisting Him in His great work.
Let us show gratitude for our fathers, and go forth living life
in a way that will make them proud. I love you all, and I urge all of
you to keep going forward in righteousness, with a heart full of love.
Have a great week brethren!

Love your
brother in the Lord,

Elder Christopher Petersen

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