Monday, September 13, 2010

Reaching Out to Those Around Us . . .

Dear Brethren,
I do not have much to say right now really--but I suppose I say that a lot, and then I suddenly find something to get preachy about. Well, I guess I'll just have to keep typing until I figure out something to talk about that's worth something. Anyway, keeping going, I feel really old right now. I have 2 decades below my belt, and I'm still getting older. It's strange to realize that I'm twenty. It just seemed so far away...and now I'm there.
On a spiritual message, I feel like I'm going to beat a dead horse. I realized a lot of my messages include reaching out to those around us, and spreading the gospel. So have all of you done it yet? Have you found at least one person to share it with? If not, I hope you all do. If you are preparing for a mission, what better way than to get involved in the work now? If you can, arrange for a nonmember to be taught in your home--or if you can't do that, shoot to have a gospel conversation with a nonmember or less-active member, at least once a week. If you can't do that on your own, call the local missionaries, and go on a team up with them. Now, some people would say to me, "Chris, you're crazy! This isn't all that matters. We have normal, everyday life to live! We have other things to worry about." If you don't have an idea of how I would respond, then please, write me and ask. This work is so awesome! I wish for all of you to be apart of it! Still, to this day, one of the happiest times of my life is when Scott and I were meeting with the missionaries. It was good for me, it was good for Scott, it was good for Michael--and good for everyone who will ever be taught the gospel by me, Scott, or Michael. I was happy! It is the greatest happiness one may ever find--at least next to having a family, I would suppose. The greatest missionary work happens in the home, but just after that, if you want more happiness, share the gospel! All of us are actually commanded to do it.
Well, love you all! Have a great week!

Love, me

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