Monday, November 8, 2010

An Awesome Conversion . . .

Dear Sons of Mosiah,

The Mission Field is awesome, and it's white and ready to harvest! Jana Hager is going to be baptized on the 4th of December, and she is AWESOME! Jana is so prepared, and her story is a huge testimony builder to me about the power God gives to the pages of the Book of Mormon. Last night, about a half and hour before bed, she sent us a text to tell us that she was reading from the Book of Mormon. She told us that it is an amazing book. I told her I agree, and that it is an amazing book, but I was curious as to why she thought it was an amazing book. She told me that it was amazing because whenever she was reading it she felt something that inspired her to do good, and stay away from sin--or that was the concept anyway, without me being too specific. She then described the feeling she gets when she reads from it. I added a couple of feelings myself, and asked her if that was how she was feeling. She said my description was what she was feeling. I then identified it as the Spirit for her. With gratitude, she sent us a text saying that it might sound corny, but "thank you, sincerely". The Spirit took hold on me, and I felt an overwhelming gratitude to our Heavenly Father for allowing us to assist in her conversion process. Our conversation continued, and I accepted the thanks gladly and told my companion of the conversation since he too is doing this wonderful work and also deserves thanks to the same amount that I do. However, I let her know that we are merely instruments in the hands of God, and that this gift of the gospel which is she is receiving, is a gift from God.
God loves all of His children so much! Sometimes Satan makes it hard for us to see-- and possibly even more difficult to understand--but God truly is working in the lives of all of His children to prepare them to receive the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. How blessed we are to be instruments in this wonderful work! It is not only full-time missionaries who are instruments in God's hands to do this work. In fact, the members play a key role in most conversions! Jana has LDS family, and has had many good influences touch her life to prepare her to receive this gospel. Who's life will you touch to help them to receive the gospel? We all worry about our worldly cares, and sometimes are afraid to do this work--but what do we have to fear more, than that soul being lost? Anything? "The worth of every soul is great in the eyes of God."--Joseph Smith. As well, there is a scripture that is very similar to this quote.
My brethren, there is work to be done all around you, no matter where you are in life. Each of you know somebody who is not a member of Jesus Christ's Church here on the earth. What greater responsibility do you have than to reach out to your fellow man, and help them to find the gospel? I would guess none. Missionary Work is to be done by all members, both in and outside the home. We should also reach out to less-active members of the church, and help them to return into the loving arms of their Shepherd.
Pray for missionary opportunities always. We do not have to be perfect to do this work. God does not require that we give more than we are able, but that we give our entire capacity to the building of His Kingdom! You guys can do it. Together we can bring many people to the Kingdom of God, and then that day is going to be an amazing day with those people we bring. Can there be any greater happiness? Can there be any greater purpose in this life?
I love you guys! And thank you for the example that many of you have set for me. You are all great people! Don't forget who you are: Sons and Daughters of the Living God. Peace, and I can't wait until we all meet again...even if it is three or more years till we are all together again. See ya!

Love, Chris

1 comment:

  1. :) Chris you are an amazing young man and a wonderful missionary!!
    love you twin cuz!!
